
First call for meeting!!!!

V8, LLS,

We are going to meet you two soon. Please prepare that we will have a bit of things for you guys get started! Hahaah!! Thank you for being part of our wedding.

Kenneth & Percy


Back to Thanksgiving weekend.... (回憶)

I didn't come up here for a long time.... The reason I didn't come up ... Kenneth and I were so busy.... I resigned from my work... things happened...

Thanksgiving weekend, we went to Fair Haven... It was the Greatest WEEKEND for me. Not only with Kenneth, but with a lot of brothers and sisters I like to hang around....

Even I had that BAD BAD news, but very touching...
I know there are a lot of people love me... and love my family...

I mean.... I kind of leave it out.... to HIM, our Lord...
Love our Lord.... we leave it to HIM.... He handles everything for us... as long as we pray... we ask for help.... Look at the nature we have.... it is just very beautiful..... There is nothing can be that pretty we can see.... If HE give such good things to us.... how come we can't leave our problems to HIM to help us.... right?
Kenneth drove an hour away from the campsite. We arrived to this road side.... we took this picture... and went back to campsite. Sometimes, it is just that easy... time is not a big issue... how to be with someone you love to treasure the scenes you see.

We love colours.... BRIGHT colour!!!!!!
WE had a great trip!!! Thank you, Lord.

Do you know what? this blog is not only our memories of wedding, but our journey together from now....

爛 Gag 一則﹕
Percy: "喂?"
Kenneth: "Hello?"
Percy: "嘩﹗ 你打俾我﹖﹖"
Kenneth: "我唔可以打俾你既咪?"
Percy: "唔係﹐不過﹐你今忙。。。唔expect 你 call 我。。。”
Kenneth: "我忙中有你 嘛。。。"
Percy: my face --> = = (流汗)